وهابیت، شعاری برای مخالفت با قرآن و سنت “Wahhabism – A slogan to oppose Qur’an and Sunnah”

بسم الله و الحمدلله و الصلاة و السلام علی رسول الله و علی آله و صحبه و من والاه.. اما بعد

The first professionally produced movie of the Ahl Al-Sunnah of Iran. The brothers from IslamTape.com and other major Sunnah Iranian websites present a stunning movie with the title: وهابیت، شعاری برای مخالفت با قرآن و سنت “Wahhabism – A slogan to disagree [fight] the Qur’an and Sunnah”

آنلاين تماشا كنيد

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The Role of Zoroastrianism in the Development of Shi’ism

As Iranian Sunnah we declare what every sincere Iranian researcher already knows, be he Muslim, non-Muslim, Sunnah or Shi’ite. Today’s Tashayyu’ (Shi’ism) is heavily influenced by the late Safavid reign and thus contains many pre-Islamic Persian elements. And there is nothing to be proud of  i.e. of  this sort of  historical and religious heritage and “achievement”, for heritage  is not good in and of itself, rather it must be upon the truth not based on nationlist fanatism, racism (arab hatred), the superiority of race and more important than that FABRICATION (i.e. Shi’ism i.e. superstition).

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The Turban – Opium Of The Safavids

 The Turban – Opium Of The Safavids 

All Praises And Thanks Be To ALLAH

Exposing the Rafidah (Imamite Shias)

The Film which was prevented from publishing in Iran and warned by Lebanese Hezbollah not to be watched in forums,

The Film which made the advocates of Safavid Shi’ism Suffer
After the big achievement that the Film has made it and the collapse that it caused to the Shi’ite websites and forums after the big demands to translate it to English, so our Muslim brothers can see the real face of Shi’ites creed

Here we are now presenting to you the English Edition of

◄▓▒░The Turban: Opium of The Safavids░▒▓►

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